HVAC Journeyman Salary in Seattle, WA
HVAC companies need your help & are willing to A LOT for it! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for an HVAC Journeyman in Seattle, WA is $56000 per year.
"SkillCat changed my life. Within months of completing their HVAC program, I landed a job. The training is spot on, and it’s designed to help you hit the ground running!"
— John D., Certified HVAC Technician
Is HVAC a good career in Seattle, WA?
Si estĆ” buscando un cambio de carrera, convertirse en tĆ©cnico de HVAC podrĆa ser la opciĆ³n perfecta. Como una de las industrias mĆ”s codiciadas de los Estados Unidos con increĆbles beneficios y oportunidades de crecimiento, unatrabajo de climatizaciĆ³nle proporcionarĆ” una gran paga y horas que le proporcionarĆ”n tiempo para pasar con su familia. Ā”EstĆ” claro por quĆ© las personas eligen HVAC sobre todas las demĆ”s industrias!

Entonces, ĀæcuĆ”nto gana HVAC?
Los tĆ©cnicos de HVAC tienen salarios increĆbles que van desde $ 20 por hora para los tĆ©cnicos de nivel de entrada, hasta $ 60 por hora una vez que acumula experiencia, ĀæquĆ© significan estos nĆŗmeros? ContinĆŗe leyendo para ver cuĆ”nto ganarĆ” como tĆ©cnico de HVAC.
Lo desglosaremos por ciudad, estado, experiencia,formaciĆ³n en climatizaciĆ³n, yCertificaciones HVAC,para que pueda maximizar su salario de HVAC.
ĀæEstĆ” considerando una industria que no sea HVAC? No hay problema, lo ayudaremos a comenzar con cualquierindustria.

HVAC Journeyman Salary in Seattle, WA: Years of Experience
Become an expert in your field and make more than $102830 as an HVAC tech!
Los tƩcnicos de HVAC con mucha experiencia pueden ganar mƔs de $ 100,000, y los tƩcnicos que inician sus propias empresas de HVAC pueden ganar MUCHO mƔs.
Repasaremos cĆ³mo maximizar aĆŗn mĆ”s el crecimiento laboral como tĆ©cnico de HVAC.

ĀæVale la pena la carrera de HVAC?
Ā”SĆ! El salario promedio por hora para los tĆ©cnicos de HVAC es de casi $ 25 por hora (y aumenta constantemente), lo que significa que puede esperar una carrera exitosa. Con este tipo de dinero ingresando a su cuenta bancaria cada hora que trabaja, Ā”vale la pena aceptar el intercambio!

ĀæQuĆ© hace exactamente un tĆ©cnico de HVAC?
HVAC es una palabra divertida para calefacciĆ³n, ventilaciĆ³n, aire acondicionado y refrigeraciĆ³n. como untĆ©cnico de climatizaciĆ³n, instalarĆ”, mantendrĆ”, repararĆ” o reemplazarĆ” acondicionadores de aire, sistemas de control de clima, equipos de calefacciĆ³n, unidades de ventilaciĆ³n, equipos de refrigeraciĆ³n y mĆ”s. Ā”SerĆ” su responsabilidad asegurarse de que las personas se mantengan frescas cuando hace calor y cĆ”lidas durante el invierno!
ĀæCĆ³mo puede la experiencia en HVAC ayudarlo a aumentar su salario?
No sorprende que el nivel de experiencia con los sistemas HVAC tenga un gran impacto en su salario. Ā”El salario promedio por hora de una persona que ha trabajado en esta industria se puede ver a continuaciĆ³n!
TƩcnico de HVAC de nivel bƔsico:El salario promedio de un tƩcnico HVAC de nivel inicial es de alrededor de $18 por hora, pero aumenta rƔpidamente despuƩs del primer aƱo.
TĆ©cnico de HVAC de nivel medio:El salario promedio de un HVAC con algo de experiencia es de alrededor de $23/hr.
TƩcnico de HVAC de nivel superior:El salario promedio de un tƩcnico senior de HVAC es de alrededor de $ 28 por hora.
Gerente de HVAC:El salario promedio de un gerente de HVAC es de alrededor de $33/hr.

Otras industrias a considerar
Ser contratado y capacitado como tĆ©cnico de HVAC. Ā”Todas nuestras capacitaciones y certificaciones estĆ”n en lĆnea y se pueden completar en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento!
Obtenga las habilidades y la certificaciĆ³n que necesita para una exitosa carrera en HVAC

CapacitaciĆ³n en plomerĆa que le enseƱarĆ” las habilidades que necesita para tener Ć©xito en la industria

ReparaciĆ³n de electrodomĆ©sticos
CapacitaciĆ³n para que se sienta listo para el trabajo todos los dĆas

Aprenda todas las habilidades de electricista que necesita para obtener un aprendizaje bien remunerado

Mantenimiento del edificio
La formaciĆ³n en mantenimiento que necesita para avanzar en su carrera

InstalaciĆ³n Solar
Ingrese a la industria solar con capacitaciĆ³n gratuita que lo dejarĆ” seguro

CĆ³mo puede aumentar su HVAC Salary
Certificaciones HVAC
CertificaciĆ³n EPA 608
La mayorĆa de las empresas requieren que sus tĆ©cnicos de HVAC tengan esta certificaciĆ³n. Esta certificaciĆ³n es de la Agencia de ProtecciĆ³n Ambiental y permite a los tĆ©cnicos manejar Refrigerantes.
Certificaciones NATE
NATE Listo para Trabajar: un certificado que verifica la capacidad de un tƩcnico de HVAC para trabajar como tƩcnico de nivel inicial
Certificado de TĆ©cnico de Soporte NATE: Demuestre sus habilidades 6 meses en la industria HVAC
Pruebas bĆ”sicas y especializadas de Nate: La certificaciĆ³n NATE tiene 2 vĆas. Aplica para tĆ©cnicos con mĆ”s de 2 aƱos de experiencia.
ContinĆŗe aprendiendo nuevas habilidades y mantĆ©ngase actualizado con la nueva tecnologĆa
Como tĆ©cnico de HVAC, trabajarĆ” constantemente en nuevos proyectos y equipos. AsegĆŗrese de mantenerse actualizado y completar elformaciĆ³n en climatizaciĆ³n eso estĆ” disponible para ti. Ā”Para hacer crecer su carrera en HVAC, tambiĆ©n tendrĆ” que seguir mejorando su conjunto de habilidades!
Inicie su propia empresa de HVAC
Una vez que tenga suficiente experiencia como tĆ©cnico de HVAC, puede iniciar su propia empresa de HVAC. Para hacerlo, debe asegurarse de tener experiencia tanto en ventas como en administraciĆ³n de su experiencia anterior. Sus ganancias son ilimitadas cuando dirige su propia empresa de HVAC. Si estĆ” interesado en iniciar su propia empresa de HVAC y no sabe por dĆ³nde empezar, complete esteformay descarga nuestra aplicaciĆ³n. Ā”Lo pondremos en contacto con un empresario de HVAC para guiarlo a travĆ©s de los pasos!
Is HVAC a Hard Trade?
HVAC service is a trade that demands both physical endurance and mental acuity, especially for service techs working on complex HVAC systems. According to labor statistics, HVAC technicians often perform strenuous tasks such as installing and repairing air conditioning and refrigeration systems in challenging environments. While the job can be demanding, the HVAC technician salary range is competitive, especially when considering regional differences in the cost of living. HVAC techs who specialize in high-demand HVAC jobs can see significant salary growth over time.
Can HVAC Make 6 Figures?
Yes, HVAC technicians, particularly those with extensive experience or who specialize in high-demand areas like commercial HVAC service or advanced refrigeration systems, can achieve six-figure incomes. Service techs in the highest paying states or those who transition into roles such as management or start their own businesses can significantly increase their annual HVAC salary. Factors like cost of living and demand for sophisticated HVAC systems and air conditioning solutions also influence the potential earnings of HVAC techs.
Is Being an AC Tech Hard?
Being an AC tech can be challenging due to the physical demands and the need for strong problem-solving skills related to HVAC systems. Service techs often work long hours, sometimes in extreme weather conditions, which can add to the job's difficulty. Despite the challenges, the role offers a solid salary range and career stability, making it a rewarding profession. HVAC jobs in air conditioning and refrigeration are consistently in demand, leading to opportunities for higher wages as HVAC techs gain experience.
Is Air Conditioning a Good Career?
A career in air conditioning, particularly as an HVAC technician, is promising due to the consistent demand for cooling systems in both residential and commercial sectors. Entry-level HVAC positions often start with a decent salary range, and as techs gain experience and certifications, their annual pay can increase significantly. Labor statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor show strong job growth for HVAC service roles, making it a secure and lucrative career path. HVAC techs who specialize in air conditioning and refrigeration can expect steady employment and upward mobility.
Can HVAC Make 100K a Year?
Yes, HVAC technicians can earn $100K a year, especially in the highest paying states or specialized fields such as commercial HVAC or advanced HVAC systems design. As service techs gain experience and move into higher positions or own their businesses, their annual HVAC salary can reach or exceed this threshold. Cost of living adjustments in certain regions also play a role in reaching this income level. With the right HVAC jobs and specializations, HVAC techs can achieve significant financial success.
Is HVAC a Stressful Job?
HVAC service can indeed be stressful, especially for service techs who must troubleshoot complex HVAC systems under time constraints. The physical demands of the job, such as working in confined spaces or at heights, can also add to the stress. However, the stress is often offset by the job's rewards, including a stable HVAC salary and the satisfaction of ensuring comfortable environments for customers. HVAC techs often find that experience and skill development lead to more control over stressful situations.
How Much Does an Air Conditioning Technician Earn in the USA?
The annual salary for HVAC technicians in the USA varies depending on experience, location, and specialization. On average, service techs earn between $40,000 and $70,000 per year, with potential for higher earnings in regions with a higher cost of living or in specialized HVAC jobs like advanced air conditioning or refrigeration. Entry-level HVAC positions typically start on the lower end of the salary range, but with apprenticeships and certifications, HVAC techs can see substantial increases in their annual pay.
Is Heating and Cooling a Good Career?
A career in heating and cooling is a solid choice, especially for those interested in hands-on work with HVAC systems and other technology. The salary range for HVAC technicians is competitive, and with apprenticeships, techs can quickly advance from entry-level HVAC jobs to more lucrative roles. Additionally, the consistent demand for HVAC service in both residential and commercial sectors ensures job security. HVAC techs who specialize in high-demand areas like refrigeration or complex cooling systems often see a significant increase in salary as they gain experience.
Is Becoming an HVAC Tech Hard?
Becoming an HVAC technician requires dedication to both education and hands-on training in HVAC systems. Many start with an apprenticeship, which provides the practical experience needed to succeed in HVAC service. While the training process can be challenging, it leads to a rewarding career with a good HVAC salary. Entry-level HVAC techs may start on the lower end of the pay scale, but with experience and certifications, they can significantly increase their annual salary. Specializing in areas like air conditioning and refrigeration also opens doors to higher-paying HVAC jobs.
What Field of HVAC Pays the Most?
Within the HVAC industry, fields that offer the highest pay include commercial HVAC service, system design, and specialized cooling and refrigeration systems. HVAC techs in these areas, especially those in the highest paying states, can earn significantly more than the industry average. Additionally, those who advance to managerial roles or start their own HVAC businesses often see a substantial increase in their annual HVAC technician salary. Labor statistics indicate that specialized HVAC jobs consistently offer top salaries.
What Does HVAC R Mean?
HVAC-R stands for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This acronym covers the full range of systems that HVAC techs work on, including cooling systems essential for both residential and commercial applications. HVAC-R techs ensure these systems operate efficiently, which is critical given the rising demand for energy-efficient HVAC systems and the impact on energy costs and comfort. The salary for HVAC techs specializing in HVAC-R is often higher, particularly in roles involving complex air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
Is HVAC in High Demand?
Yes, HVAC service is in high demand, driven by the need for efficient heating and cooling systems in both residential and commercial sectors. Labor statistics project strong job growth for HVAC techs, particularly as older HVAC systems require upgrading or replacement. The consistent demand for HVAC jobs ensures that those entering the field can expect stable employment and a competitive HVAC technician salary. Specializations in high-demand areas like refrigeration or complex cooling systems offer even more career opportunities.
What Is the Best Certification for HVAC?
The best certification for HVAC techs often depends on their career goals. For those focusing on residential cooling systems, certifications like EPA 608 or NATE are highly regarded. For those aiming for higher-paying HVAC jobs, certifications in commercial HVAC or specialized refrigeration systems can lead to better opportunities and higher annual pay. An apprenticeship is often the first step toward gaining these valuable certifications and increasing your HVAC salary. The right certifications can open doors to some of the highest-paying roles in HVAC service.
What Is an HVAC Job Description?
An HVAC technician's job description includes installing, maintaining, and repairing HVAC systems, including air conditioning and refrigeration units. Service techs must be proficient in troubleshooting and repairing both residential and commercial systems. They typically work for an employer who provides the tools and resources necessary to perform these tasks. The job can be physically demanding, but it offers a good HVAC salary, especially as techs gain experience and certifications. HVAC jobs with advanced responsibilities often come with a higher salary range, reflecting the increased expertise needed in HVAC service.