SkillCat & Grace Hill’s new partnership provides multifamily organizations with a broad range of online maintenance training designed to mimic hands-on experience. Conveniently accessed through the mobile app, SkillCat helps maintenance techs know how to get the job done right the first time. By providing your team with essential technical skills, you’ll invest in their career while improving resident satisfaction and reducing unnecessary repair costs.

Real-Life Simulations
Troubleshooting Tools
On-The-Job Assessments
EPA, OSHA-10 CPO Certifications
Grace Hill & SkillCat Advantage

Offer accredited maintenance training on any mobile device.
Access over 130 hours of HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Appliance Repair & Maintenance courses created by trade professionals.
Provide an inclusive program with training available in Spanish
Help techs achieve and maintain the required EPA training and certificates (At No Additional Cost)

Learn From Anywhere. Anytime.
All courses are accessible from a mobile between jobs and during lunch breaks. Evenings should be spent with family.
Hands-on learning with 3D simulations
Why buy tools when your team can practice with our interactive 3D simulations for the best hands-on-learning experience.
24/7 trainer for new techs
If techs need help while on the job, they pull out their phones and automatically have a 3D simulations to walk them through every job.
Residents Deserve To Have The Job Done Right.
Troubleshooting tools guide techs through challenging repairs.
3D simulations help techs handle a variety of maintenance requests and satisfy residents.
Appliance manuals, error code look-ups, checklists, and diagnostic tools provide the support techs need to complete work orders properly.