Maintenance Technician Pay Rate in Fayetteville, NC
Companies need maintenance technicians more than ever and are willing to pay top dollar for skilled professionals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average technician salary for a maintenance technician in Fayetteville, NC is $40000 per year, equivalent to $20 per hour. With specialized certifications, such as those for industrial maintenance technicians, salaries can increase significantly.
"SkillCat changed my life. Within months of completing their Maintenance program, I landed a job. The training is spot on, and it’s designed to help you hit the ground running!"
— Chris Barret., Maintenance Technician
Is being a Maintenance Technician a Good Career in Fayetteville, NC?
If you're searching for a secure, well-paying career in Fayetteville, NC, becoming a maintenance technician could be your ideal choice. Whether you're entering the world of general maintenance or pursuing specialized roles in industrial maintenance, the demand is high, and the salaries reflect that.

How Much Does a Maintenance Technician Make in Fayetteville, NC?
Maintenance technicians in Fayetteville, NC enjoy competitive salaries across the board, ranging from $20 per hour for entry-level maintenance technicians to $45 per hour for those with advanced experience in industrial maintenance or maintenance supervisor roles.

¿Vale la pena la carrera de HVAC?
¡Sí! El salario promedio por hora para los técnicos de HVAC es de casi $ 25 por hora (y aumenta constantemente), lo que significa que puede esperar una carrera exitosa. Con este tipo de dinero ingresando a su cuenta bancaria cada hora que trabaja, ¡vale la pena aceptar el intercambio!