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Avanza en tu carrera conCursos de formación en petróleo y gas

Un trabajo con un gran equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal 

Consigue un trabajo bien pagado que te encantará hacer

Consigue un trabajo 100% seguro

    Quiénes somos

 GRATIS,Petróleo y gas en línea, Cursos de Certificación

Conviértase en a experto certificadoen petróleo y gas en muy poco tiempo!

A qualified person who has all the practical skills to join the Oil & Gas Industry

Practical Skills

Learn skills & methods of
utilising data you will regularly work with 

A hand holding the clock showing time saving

Save Time

Save yourself time by taking this course online in a user friendly app


A human with a book

Test Your Knowledge

Take quizzes that cover each topic in detail after every course

Hand holding money

Low cost 

An average Oil & gas training

costs you $500 dollars vs SkillCat can be less than $10

    ¿Qué obtendrás?

  Beneficios of Trabajando en elIndustria del petróleo y el gas 

Two men shaking hands

Seguridad en el empleo

Tener una largo plazotrabajo asegurado

A happy oil & gas worker

Gran balance de vida laboral

2 semanas en

2 semanas libres

A guy holding wads of cash

Gran salario yBeneficios 

El salario inicial promedio es$80-$90k

Primer año

A graph showing growth with time


Moveren 1-2 años

    Catálogo de cursos

   Fundamentos clave


Coincidencia comercial 


Herramientas manuales clave

   Aspectos básicos del petróleo y el gas

Introduction to Drilling.png

Introducción a la perforación

Introduction To Well Servicing.png

Introducción al servicio de pozos

Key Drilling Equipment.png

Equipo de perforación clave

Conceptos básicos de Floorhand

Iron Roughneck Operations.png

Operaciones de Iron Roughneck

Tripping Operations.png

Operaciones de disparo

rigging .png

Operaciones de aparejo


certificate icon.png

Control de pozos de concientización de la IADC

certificate icon.png

Introducción al control de pozos de IADC

certificate icon.png

Pase de plataforma de IADC

Capacitación práctica en petróleo y gas a través deSimulaciones virtuales 3D

Comprenda los conceptos técnicos mediante la implementación de primera mano utilizando nuestros simuladores de video.

Los simuladores le permitirán usar las herramientas como lo haría en el campo


Aplicación fácil y fácil de usar

gana elcertificaciones IADCgratis 

IADC rigpass certificate

Pase de plataforma IADC

Certifíquese y esté calificado para:

Haber cumplido con los requisitos básicos definidos por profesionales de seguridad y capacitación en la industria de perforación y la industria del petróleo y el gas.

IADC wellsharp certificate

IADC Wellsharp


Aprenda habilidades específicas de roles bien perfeccionadas

Prevenir y manejar incidentes de control de pozos

HabilidadGatoHistorias de éxito

Usuarios que pasaron por nuestros cursos de capacitación y programas de empleo en petróleo y gas

  • How does an online career fair work?
    Our online HVAC career fair works just like an in-person fair, but online. Each company has a zoom room that you can join to ask questions, do an interview, or hear more about the company. The best part is that you can do all of this from your home! No booth lines, packed rooms, or travel time.
  • ¿Cómo puedo ser contratado y enviar mi currículum?
    Los currículums son la forma antigua de encontrar trabajo. Después de registrarse en la feria de empleo, complete su perfil. ¡Desde su perfil, los empleadores podrán ver su educación, experiencia y habilidades! Lo que es más importante es la evaluación SkillCat. Pondrá a prueba sus habilidades de HVAC y proporcionará a los reclutadores un resumen detallado de su capacidad. ¡Haz una excelente evaluación y tus perspectivas de trabajo se verán geniales!
  • Who is this event for?
    The online career fair is for companies and workers in the HVAC industry. We are mainly focusing on HVAC technicians since they are in such high demand right now. Still, companies will be hiring for other HVAC positions as well!
  • How will I talk to recruiters during the event?
    Each company will have a zoom room, which will remain open during the event. You can pop into a room at any time during the fair to talk with the recruiter. Companies will also be hosting 15-minute presentations throughout the fair if you wanted to learn more about them.
  • Is there a schedule for the event?
    Yes! The event is from 9 am - 3 pm PST. From 9-10 am, there will be an introduction and talks from two keynote speakers. At 10 am, the conference will break up into over 25 different rooms. A recruiter will host each room. Pop into the rooms that look interesting to you and introduce yourself to the recruiter. Simple as that! From 12-12:30 pm PST, there will be a short break. After that, we will split into rooms again, and that will go until 3 pm.
  • Do I have to attend all 6 hours?
    It is excellent if you can attend all 6 hours, but no, you don't have to stay the entire time. We created the career fair so that you can join and leave rooms at any time. The flexibility of Zoom rooms lets you explore companies or take a break if you need one.
  • Can I join the conference on my phone?
    Yes! The conference will be hosted over zoom. All you have to do is download the zoom app before the event, and then click the invite when you want to join. We recommend joining with video on, and your microphone muted. Muting your microphone prevents unwanted background noise, but unmute it whenever you have a question or want to talk!
  • Couldnt find what you were looking for?
    Send us an email at eric[at]skillcatapp[dot]com Those weird brackets are just so the email doesnt get a lot of spam.
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