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Dear SkillCat techs,


SkillCat has trained over 100,000 techs in the skilled trades - all for free. Starting in October 2023, we’ve decided to start charging a low monthly fee ($10/month in the US). 


Here’s why:


1. We’ve been a startup for 3 years. We need to pay our bills so we don’t go out of business. We plan to launch 500+ new courses & tools this year; this revenue lets us do that. 


2. Our focus is helping techs, not homeowners. By charging a small fee, we deter non-professionals from using the app.


3. Every other trade school and cert site is still much more expensive than us


We go live October 10th - see FAQ below. Thanks for using us to improve your skills and careers!


Ruchir Shah

Founder, SkillCat


  1. How much will the app cost? 

  2. Will everything in the app be paid? 

    • The Profile tab will still be Free, but all Training & Tools will be paid.

  3. If I take a course, will I still be able to access my certificates if I’m not paying? 

    • Yes, all certificates will remain accessible Free on the Profile tab. If you can’t access one, you can always email and we’ll send it to you.

  4. If I’m in the middle of a course, when do I need to finish it by to not get charged?

    • We will be launching on October 5th, and then all users (existing and new) will still receive a 7-day free trial. 

  5. I really want this for free - will there be any way to still get it for free?

    • If you really can’t afford the monthly subscription price, we will be offering some free scholarships to users who provide dedicated feedback to us on the app and our new features and products.

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