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HVAC Phone Screen Rubric - SkillCat

Interview Rubric Templates

At SkillCat, we have done phone screens on 1000+ HVAC technicians and we learned a few things. We created a rubric to help you quickly assess HVAC candidates & improve offer acceptance rates.

Phone screenings in the HVAC industry are best when you cover four important areas: Technician Interest, Technician Motivation, Company Interest, and Logistics. Here are some of the questions you might ask in each group:

1. Technician Interest

  1. What about this opportunity excited you and interested you enough to jump on the phone with us today?

  2. What are you looking for in your next role?

2. Technician Motivation

  1. Do you like mentoring people or executing work?

  2. How do you stay up-to-date on trends in the HVAC industry?

  3. What do you get energy from at your job?

  4. What do you do when…

  5. Tell me about a time when…

3. Company Interest

  1. What do you know of our company?

  2. How did you find out about us?

  3. What entices you about our company?

4. Logistical

  1. Are you willing to relocate for this position?

  2. Are you interviewing anywhere else? How far along in the process are you?

  3. What are your salary expectations for a role like this?

  4. When would you be able to start a new position?

Within each category, you will rate the candidate with a score between 0 and 5. A "0" means that the candidate did not meet expectations & a "5" means a candidate was amazing in that category.

After your interviews, you can compare candidates' scores and see which candidates should move to an in-person interview.

The HVAC Rubric




Technician Interest

Technician Motivation

​Company Interest


How SkillCat Can Help You Hire HVAC Techs

Over the last year, Skillcat has grown to be the #1 nationwide HVAC Job platform by solving a few key issues:

  • We actually send you real HVAC candidates. No more random applicants.

  • We match workers to you based on your open roles. SkillCat attracts 20K+ techs to our site each month. Our team then matches them to you based on open roles.

  • We have simple pricing. $199 a month - all month to month - unlimited interviews and contact info.

If you want to learn more about how SkillCat can help, talk to us.

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