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Safety Procedures

Safety Basics: Chapter 5

This module will talk about general safety at the workplace. We should always be careful at our job sites to keep ourselves and our coworkers safe. Skip to quiz!

General Safety

General safety in the workplace can help with the following:

  • Overall productivity,

  • Quality of work, and

  • Decrease workplace accidents.

First, we will demonstrate the proper lifting techniques.

Lifting or mishandling objects is a leading cause of back injury at work. Learning and following the correct method for lifting and handling heavy loads can help prevent injury and avoid back pain.

Before you lift any heavy object, you should plan how you will do it. First, you want to know what the weight of the object is. Then, determine whether or not it is safe for you to lift on your own. If it is too heavy, then you should use lift assist, such as forklifts.

A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is used as an informational source about hazards in the workplace. We can use the SDS to gather advice on safety precautions. Employers use SDS to determine what measures are necessary to protect their workers and the environment.

The SDS has 16 sections. Each section provides information about hazards that employers will use to apply to their worksite. For example, section 5 provides guidance on how to fight a fire.

Pressurized systems include pressure vessels, boilers, and compressors. For example, we use boilers in our homes to heat water and provide steam for heating. These systems are large containers that hold gases or liquids at high temperatures and pressure.

If the high pressure in these systems is not maintained, it can be dangerous. The system may explode. In addition, fires can start as a result of escaped flammable liquids or gases.

Chemical Safety

A refrigerant is a chemical compound used primarily in refrigerators, air conditioning, and fire suppression systems. Refrigerants consistently transition from a liquid to a gas in a cycle. An example of a refrigerant is hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) such as R410A because they can go from a liquid to gas in a cycle.

Refrigerant poisoning can happen when you inhale chemicals used in HVAC systems. Some refrigerants used in HVAC systems are toxic and flammable. So, it is important to handle these refrigerants with care to avoid any hazards.

When you are around refrigerants, you should wear the proper protective equipment, such as safety glasses and insulated gloves. Do not lift the cylinder by the top valve when transporting refrigerants. In addition, always assume that the cylinder containing refrigerants is gas, so you know what safety measures to follow.

Hazardous chemicals can cause health issues such as poisoning, breathing problems, skin rashes, and cancer. Examples of hazardous chemicals are ammonia, acids, pesticides, herbicides, and other flammable or toxic chemicals.

First Aid

First aid is the immediate care you provide when a person is injured or ill until full medical treatment is available. Usually, first aid is enough for minor conditions, such as cuts or scrapes.

For any dangerous spills on the skin, you should immediately wash the area for at least 15 minutes. For splashes that have entered the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes for at least 15 minutes. It is essential to know some of the basics of first aid to help yourself or someone else if needed.

General safety, chemical safety, and first aid are all essential things to know in the workplace. You can prevent yourself from getting hurt by knowing techniques, such as lifting heavy objects properly. In addition, you can help someone else with first aid before medical treatment arrives.


Question #1: Which of the following is NOT a technique you should follow when lifting heavy objects?

  1. Keep your back straight and bend your knees to lower yourself to the object.

  2. Stand with a wide stance close to the object you want to pick up.

  3. Get your body as close as possible to the object.

  4. Lift the object with one hand and place the other hand on your back to protect it.

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Answer: Lift the object with one hand and place the other hand on your back to protect it.

Always use two hands to lift an object!

Question #2: Safety Data Sheets contain information about hazards and contain 16 sections.

  1. True

  2. False

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Answer: True

Safety Data Sheets are used as an informational source about hazards. They contain 16 sections.

Question #3: What is a possible hazard from not maintaining high pressures in pressurized systems?

  1. The system may explode.

  2. The system may automatically stop working.

  3. The system may provide clean air into the home.

  4. The system may make the house very cold.

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Answer: The system may explode.

A problem with not maintaining high pressures in pressurized systems is that it may cause the system to explode.

Question #4: What should you NOT do when safely handling refrigerants?

  1. Wear eye protection and insulated gloves.

  2. Lift a refrigerant cylinder by the top valve.

  3. Wear safety boots.

  4. Assume that the cylinder contains gas.

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Answer: Lift a refrigerant cylinder by the top valve.

NEVER lift a cylinder by the top valve.

Question #5: We can store chemicals in wet, hot places without any labels.

  1. True

  2. False

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Answer: False

False! We should store chemicals in dry, cool places and appropriately label them by hazard type.

Question #6: If hazardous chemicals spill on your eye or skin, you can flush them out with water in 5 minutes.

  1. True

  2. False

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Answer: False

False! If you are exposed to dangerous chemicals on your skin or eyes, you should flush it with water for at least 15 minutes.

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